COULD IT BE A UFO Or Hoax [video]

See unreleased Baltic Sea anomaly sonar pictures and video. If the submerged object, (USO), is a hoax, why did the government classify all the researcher’s data? A genuine unidentified submerged object is available and the pictures show a significant operations base. Is the Baltic Sea “UFO” a hoax, or do they find a genuine Millennium Falcon?

UFO believers are serious, but non-believers are snickering, and a story that first broke in August of 2011 has resurfaced with new details. So is it a hoax really, an underwater anomaly, or a multinational conspiracy to suppress facts that may indicate an extraterrestrial event? In July of 2011 underwater research specialist Peter Lindberg, of the comprehensive research vessel Ocean Explorer, was time for slot from a month long search for Baltic Sea shipwrecks. Following a typical return-to-port practice, these were towing an underwater sonar sled, using side-scanning sonar, to map the ocean floor as they returned.

But 187 mls off the coastline of Sweden the trip became not typical. The image on the sonar screen appeared too well described to be always a natural seabed development, and its obvious similarity to a disk-type craft too much to ignore. Lindberg quickly called all of those other research staff down and directed the ship to start making more lateral passes over the object.

The above photo is the image he first saw on the monitor. Following the initial excitement, the research team began to put together and measure the details of what appeared to be a non-natural seabed find. It was the sharp edge delineations of the image that highly indicated the thing was not an all natural rock or sea-floor formation. The thing is within almost 300 foot of drinking water, and it is 195-200 feet in diameter around. Addititionally there is what appears to be a 1600 foot “skid-path” behind it.

Because of the nature of side-scan sonar, in loose sea-floor silt like in the Baltic Sea, it can come back images that are actually inlayed sometimes, than sitting down on the surface rather. Efforts to look for the height of the object were non-conclusive. According to Lindberg it could be 10 feet tall, or 50, and it was also extremely hard to determine how much of the thing could be inserted below the top.

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The similarity of its form to the movie starship had not been lost on the staff either. It is believed that it was a team member comment to a dockside reporter that prompted the public comparison. It isn’t uncommon for research expeditions like this one to pledge crew users and research staff to confidentiality agreements, but it is uncommon for port specialists to quarantine an appearance as this one was done by them.

Officials boarded the ship, as the mooring lines were being established even, and it was almost 4 hours before Peter Lindberg appeared and offered an impromptu press appearance at the foot of the ship’s gangway. According to Lindberg, because of the unexpectedness of the breakthrough, and the limited amount of resources available at the right time, he would only have the ability to give the essentials of their information.

Further research of the sonar data, and perhaps even another expedition, would be needed before there could be any conclusive answers in regards to what the thing was. He referred all further queries to the expedition sponsor then, Baltic Finland LC, an buyer relationship. The released documents, (supposedly from thumb-drive data a research member hidden from Swedish officials), detail an obvious and concerted effort to suppress the data from public release, but it’s the additional sonar images that are most damning. Not only do they show there is much more to the finding site than has been informed, however they also show that the publicly released image was only a cropped part of the real sonar data.

According to Leigh Dostra, an imaging data analyst in Lindberg’s research group, the original sonar scans actually demonstrated three distinct objects, not only the cropped image that was released. She also mentioned that it was the Swedish officials that determined which part of the image to release to the public.

The research group established that images a. Indicating the original shape would have been saucer-like, not the “Millennium Falcon” form that the mass media has ridiculed. Computer-matching of the two items show they could fit together, and their mixed area would be 325 ft in diameter almost. In addition they determined that the “skid-path” was approximately 600 feet, not the 1600 feet original mentioned to the media. The longer and bigger image b., is the most mystical part. It looks around 920 ft long, and 205 foot wide.