When do supervisors lose their management? Supervision literally means “viewing over”. However, the truth is, it’s much more complex than simply keeping track of staff or operations. There is a leadership component in guidance. Hence a good supervisor also needs to be a good head – favorably influencing others to want to check out.
A bad supervisor is that supervisor who lacks command skills, training, or ability. Quite simply, they ‘work’ with no leadership component of supervision. They could think they may be performing a great job, but everyone around them understands they aren’t. People find it difficult to follow them because there is no leadership.
So when do supervisors lose their command? Whenever a supervisor uses pressure and threats to get things done, wanting to intimidate others using their modulation of voice, body language, and harsh words. Being abrasive, severe, and severe. Whenever a supervisor is insecure, they tend to overcompensate by placing other folks down, in public especially.
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They have a tendency to speak down on visitors to make themselves show up better. They find what to criticize about anyone who’s getting positive attention. When they need to reprimand a subordinate, they will often do it in front of other people because they think it makes them look powerful whereas it doesn’t.
They often talk about what must be achieved, complain about what’s not getting done, and demand that someone else does it. They rarely ever produce real results themselves and they lack initiative in getting things accomplished. Character is a vital part of being a great leader, which is a non-negotiable management principle that has been around since the beginning of time. Supervisors who are dishonest and tend to make unethical decisions lose their command. They rarely ever admit these are wrong rather than saying “I’m sorry” if you need to. They tend to deny their mistakes, rendering it impossible to learn from those mistakes and be as an innovator or supervisor better.
As an outcome, there’s an insufficient respect among followers. They do not want input or recommendations from others, taking any form of suggestion or input as negative criticism rather than positive ideas. They make decisions without thinking about the effects or how the decisions may impact others. Additionally, there is absolutely no accountability, down the chain especially. Real leaders recognize that they may be accountable to their followers as well as their supervisors to make principle-based decisions.
The reason God gave us two ears and only one mouth was for all of us to listen doubly much as we talked. But when a supervisor is only worried about their viewpoint without really hearing what others want to state, they will lose their leadership. A good supervisor will not interrupt or interject when people want to talk.